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Your Driver’s Licence
Is Just A Click Away!
With Driving Lessons In Leongatha

Whilst we cover most of South Gippsland with Driving School Driving Lessons Leongatha Is the ideal place for your Driving Lessons especially if your close to your VicRoads Driving Test.
If you're just starting to drive, preparing for your licence test or just need a refresher, we can teach you the important skills to drive safely for life whilst making the learning experience fun and stress free.
Available 7 days a week, nights, weekends and public holidays.
For Vicroads Driving Test Preparation Lessons Are best held in Leongatha , but Lessons to Learn the Basic Skills of Driving can be held in Korumburra, or surrounding areas for Beginners through to being close to test, then a lesson or two before test in Leongatha
Leongatha Driving school lessons , Korumburra driving school lessons
Pick up and drop off (to or from) sporting events, music lessons, school or work (save your parents picking you up and have a lesson before or after you event!)
Friendly, patient and knowledgeable trainer (Great with nervous drivers or beginners).
Driving Lessons In Leongatha
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